
Practical Systems Support & Solutions








Recent Solutions include

• A finance company’s PC refused to start-up and they could not download financial figures to pass onto their clients. An onsite review and diagnostic check revealed that a recent power cut had corrupted the hard disk. The contents of the hard disk was recovered and the customer up and running again within a couple of hours.

• A HR consultant complained of slow performance on a 3 year old notebook. Investigation identified several programs no longer used and a lack of memory for running newer programs. The notebook was rebuilt installing the operating system and all the programs currently used and additional memory added. The notebook was left running better than it did when originally purchased.

• The mail server of a leasing company hard disks failed. Following their replacement the server was rebuilt using daily backup tapes and a documented recovery procedure in less than 7 hours.

• A virus hit a car parts company and forced them to disconnect from the internet preventing emailed orders being received. After identifying the virus, removing it and repairing the computers they could reconnect to the internet without fear of further infection and retrieve their orders.